You've heard it before...
You don't get a second chance to make a first impression
You've mastered the basic skills and strategies that got you to a six-figure role...but if you're aiming for the top and for opportunities that align with your passion and values - it's not just what you know but who you know [and who is advocating for you!] and how you show up.
The impressions you make at this stage of your career MATTER. They are your ticket to getting noticed, creating immediate influence, and stepping into those next-level conversations that define careers.
It's the reason that mastering your answer to, "tell me about yourself..." is one of the most important things you can do if you want to elevate your personal brand, make lasting impressions, and confidently navigate conversations.
Whether you're in interviews, at networking events, an internal company meet up, or even having casual conversation - the way you answer this question determines whether you're going to pave the way to making a meaningful connection...or not.
You're NOT boring [and we don't want anyone to think that], you have interesting experiences and insights but if you want to get to that juicy part of the conversation where the person you're talking to gets to see you for who you really are, then you have to start by answering "tell me about yourself..." effectively.
In The First Impression Formula Masterclass, I'm going to teach you two frameworks that you can use in ANY situation to nail your answer to this question. You'll never stumble over your words or ramble on about your job again. Instead, you'll know how to use your answer to make the deeper connections that will open the door to the opportunities you're dreaming about.
I'M READY FOR THE MASTERCLASS!If right now, you stumble over your words when asked, "tell me about yourself...", or you just never know what to say, then you're missing out on opportunities to make the meaningful connections that will help you to get ahead.
It's time to change that.
Answering this question effectively is the gateway to building the deeper relationships that will get you hired, promoted, and noticed at work.
This Masterclass for you
if you're ready to...
✅ Stand out in every interview process to get the job or promotion you've been craving
✅ Build meaningful relationships at internal company meet-ups, conferences, and events
✅ Swing the doors wide open for opportunities to get more visibility and a seat at the table
You'll never have to worry about...
❌ awkwardly stumbling as you try to explain your job
❌ rambling about things people don't care about or will forget right away
❌ having superficial conversations that don't lead to meaningful connections
In this training, you'll learn...
🗣 The science of being memorable [there's a reason our brains remember stories and the people who tell them] and how to lay the foundation for a meaningful conversation [instead of awkwardly trying to pitch yourself]
💥 A powerful framework for answering "tell me about yourself..." when meeting new people at internal meet ups, conferences, and events
🔥 A proven framework for answering "tell me about yourself..." effectively in job interviews to become the stand out candidate
🤝 How to use these frameworks to showcase your value and experience without coming across as arrogant or boastful
Mastering the answer to this question was a game changer for Sara...
She was struggling to stand out in job interviews and to make meaningful professional connections while networking [the kind of connections that are authentic, deep, and lead to you genuinely wanting to help and support each other].
Everything changed when she started using the new frameworks she learned while working with me. Sara started to make deeper connections at conferences and events. One of those connections landed her an interview and that's where she answered, "tell me about yourself..." using her newly constructed response - it allowed her to stand out in that interview process and she ended up landing a dream job🎉
I'm on a mission to empower women like you with these strategies so you don't miss out on the opportunities and connections that can change the trajectory of your career. I know when one of us rises (like Sara did!) then we can bring other women with us and I'm sure you agree that our world today needs more of that!